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Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000169_owner-lightwave-l _Sun May 7 19:38:19 1995.msg
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From: Joseburgos@aol.com
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Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 19:38:47 -0400
Message-Id: <950507193844_110332745@aol.com>
To: jamesb@clark.net
Cc: lightwave-l@netcom.com, lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: Image map or object(s)?
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
Precedence: bulk
>I am now just about putting the finishing touches on my 'Apartment' project
>in the Kitchen section. I have notice I have been using a lot of surfaces
>in my project and it is taking up a lot of memory. I was thinking that
>I can replace the surfaces with objects where I was image mapping
>using a paint program but that adds to my SURFACE list! Oh well,
>something has to give. :-/
I map only what ethier can't be modeled or shoulded be modeled. Like on your
micro-wave, I would model the buttons if in my scene if the camera will be
passing though them. An image map won't allow that. Other wise I would image
map the buttons like you did. The only other reason I would model the buttons
would be if I'm selling the object. What can't be modeled? One easy example
would be wood. I mean you could if you nuts or something and still it
would'nt look as good as mapping it :)
Now to your problem. What I do very often is split up my animation and
composite it later. If your kitchen is the background of your anim. and only
a few items move, then render what does'nt move and save it. Make it your
background image in the effects menu. Then render your animation with only
the moving parts. This will save loads of render time. Many profesional
outfits animate this way. If you look at your scene you can most likely break
it up to fit the above method. If it's a still and not an animation then
compositing is the easy answer.
An animation might take some re-thinking to mach this technic but you can
render very large scenes and render them much faster.
Jose Burgos
JD Media Inc.
Home of "Into the Light" (Intolight@aol.com)
262 92nd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11209
Computer Graphic Imagery